C2M2A continues to build upon the critical material supply chain achievements of its predecessor, the Canadian Rare Earth Elements Network (CREEN), which was launched in 2013.

International Standards Organization (ISO TC298 Rare Earths)

In 2015, at the invitation of the Standards Council of Canada and Natural Resources Canada, CREEN helped secured Participating member status on ISO TC298 to develop standards covering a spectrum of technical, sustainability, environmental and transparency matters. Canada is one of nine Participating members (there are also 23 Observing members). A C2M2A member chairs and other Canadian experts on the Canadian Mirror Committee directly participate on ISO 298 approved Working Groups and projects. (e.g., Traceability & Packaging, Testing, Recycling)

Invitation and Request for Participation – Harmonized Canadian Mirror Committee to ISO TC 298 (Rare earth)

Canadian REE R&D Initiative

In 2105, CREEN was instrumental in framing, informing and advising policy makers and in securing funding for a $16.7 million, five-year research and development program. A C2M2A member co-chairs the program’s Industry Steering Committee that oversees this collaborative government and industry initiative. The program focuses on reducing mineral and material processing CAPEX and OPEX and advancing the needed science and development of highly qualified persons in support of the emerging clean technology sectors.

Canada’s Post-COVID Economic Revitalization & Growth Strategy

C2M2A/CREEN was invited to inform policymakers in fleshing out strategic and operational options specific to the importance of establishing secure, competitive critical material supply chains for Canada’s economic future.

Conference of Metallurgists (Critical Material Symposia)

In 2012, a several CREEN (now C2M2A) members launched the Critical Materials Symposium (formerly titled Rare Earth Symposium) under the aegis of the Metallurgical Society of Canada. Since broadened to reflect the broader suite of critical material spectrum, the Critical Material Symposia has presented and published over 300 peer-edited papers from 30 countries. The symposia’s primary focus has been on material processing and supply chain development. Each symposium has generally been attended by 200 delegates. 

Global Rare Earth Industry Association (REIA)

CREEN members have been engaged in the founding and framing of REIA, which was formally launched in early 2019. In addition to Canada’s appointment on REIA’s Board, two C2M2A members (chair and member) currently serve on REIA’s Advisory Board.

North Atlantic Treaty Organization – Science Technology Organization (NATO STO)

CREEN was a member of a core team of NATO-country materials and applications experts under the aegis of NATO’s Advanced Vehicle Technology panels. The core team’s efforts also lead to the design, development and delivery of a 10-module, two-day lecture series, which was delivered in Europe and North America. The program material included full sets of presentation materials, supported by published background papers, covering the full critical material supply chain from resource development, processing, application design, recycling and life cycle assessment.

Other Outreach Initiatives

C2M2A/CREEN members have delivered keynote speeches across the full critical material supply chains, entertained interviews, published numerous articles and delivered lectures to universities and college classes. Members have appeared before numerous federal and parliamentary and ministerial committees & panels (e.g., industrial strategy, finance and natural resources). CREEN and now C2M2A enjoys collaborative liaisons with global players, including US-EU-Japan Trilateral Meetings, Critical Materials Institute in the United States and critical material initiatives championed by the EU’s European Institute of Innovation & Technology.